Dr. Wang Women and Children Foundation (DWWCF) is a non-profit non-governmental organization created and fueled by the passion of its founder Dr. Winifred Aver Wanger, who wanted to make a difference in the lives of women and children all over the world.
The Foundation hopes to reach out to as many needy and disadvantaged women and children, and help them receive medical aid, educational assistance, shelter and other resources needed to transform their lives for the better. We desire to touch hearts beginning with small, practical projects and continue building from there; thinking globally but beginning locally.


Our Vision

Dr. Wang Women and Children Foundation sees a bright future for women and children all over the world.

Our Mission

To transform the lives of disadvantaged women and children by providing food, shelter, education, health promotion, empowerment and advocacy.

Aim and Objective

1. Promotion and protection of the rights of women and children through education, empowerment and advocacy.

 2. Provision of relief materials, essential drugs and financial aid to disadvantaged women and children in rural communities and institutions such as correctional centres, rehabilitation centres, IDP camps etc.

3. Health promotion on issues such as immunisation against childhood illnesses, nutrition, personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, water sanitation and hand-washing (WASH), disease transmission and infection. Also, on safe motherhood, preventable gynaecological cancers, female genital mutilation and other harmful local practices.

4. Provision of free immunisation, deworming, feeding and cancer screening programmes for women and children in disadvantaged communities.

5. Provision of free medical consultation, diagnosis of women and childhood illnesses, and referral of serious illnesses to appropriate specialists

6. Partnership with individuals, other NGOs and institutions around the world to end poverty and social issues that affect women and children, particularly in rural communities.